In terms of life on Earth, I don't think it's been a very good year in some respects. We've all lived with all the bad news so I won't bother to reiterate that.
I am however, as always, so grateful for the people in my life. My family, my friends at my former job and from other circles (science fiction friends, writers, knitters, French students & teacher, etc.) and from years gone by. No one is luckier than I. I am a billionaire in friends!
If my hopes and plans develop as I'm intending, 2012 is going to be a major year for me. We'll see.
I don't make New Years' resolutions.
Thank all of my friends and acquaintances for enriching my life beyond measure. I only hope I deserve your love and kindness.
And I wanted to update my States I've Been to map:
visited 31 states (62%)
Create your own visited map of The United States!
Happy New Year everyone!
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