Monday, August 03, 2015

Merrily along

OK, Thing 3, the car situation, is now planned out. I know what I need to do, and with my dear friend's help, we'll get 'er done this week. Yay!

The other night, I finished my first CoBaSi buttercream yellow sock:

Not quite ready to launch its mate so I was looking around for something else to do for a bit. I had some sewing projects' materials and a sketchbook and supplies sitting on the dining room table for the past week, so it obviously couldn't be either of those. I ended up digging out some fabric and the disassembled Kleenex cube from which I'd long ago planned to make a tissue box. So that's what I'm doing:

Somehow it never seemed this messy in the workshop in my head. It's going to take awhile; glue needs to dry, etc. These are the fabrics I got for it:

but I'm not going to be using the blue or the moustache one for this project. I hadn't realized just how much of them I had; I can make some sock project bags and maybe a zippered pouch for stuff & things in my purse. I love them all together.

And the summer goes gliding by...

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